Monday, December 29, 2008

No Thoughts

Well, I managed to make one of these things and now I don't seem to have anything on my mind that I want to say. Go figure. But then, usually when I have something to say, I'm either too impatient to type it all out or I'm no where near my computer. :oP Methinks that is something I'm going to have to work on, or else no one is going to want to read anything on this page!

I think I mostly wanted to chronicle my attempts at weightloss, but....I don't know what. LOL

I will also am looking to start learning how to make digital scrap kits. When I become proficient enough to make any kind of a kit, I will be starting up a 'sister' site to put them on and all items pertaining.

I guess this is it for now. More soon I hope!